Using Apps to Make Life Easier
November 14, 2017
By Charles “Ebbie” Alfree III, Director of Advancement
Most associate usage of technology with the younger generations, but older adults are becoming more digitally connected every day. According to the Pew Research Center, 42% of adults 65 and older own smartphones – compared to 18% in 2013. In addition, 32% of individuals in this age group own a tablet.
Using these platforms allow seniors to easily find resources, access information, and stay connected with loved ones. Here are some apps that seniors may find helpful:
Use this app, AARP Members have the opportunity to read daily news stories, discover nearby events, and learn about member-only benefits and discounts.
For those on the run…listen to your favorite books, podcasts, and more using the Audible app.
Utilize this app to find out where movies are and to purchase tickets.
House of Memories
You can take a walk down memory lane using House of Memories. The app allows you to explore objects from the past to help stimulate memories and conversations.
Help train and stimulate your brain with this app of 30+ brain games.
Lyft & Uber
Don’t worry about driving…let these services take you where you want to go!
My Fitness Pal
To help you stay healthy and tone, the My Fitness Pal app keeps track of your diet and exercise regimen.
Senior Discounts
Why pay full price? Check this app for information regarding special senior citizen discounts at local stores, restaurants, and other establishments.
Easily stay connected with loved ones from around the world with this app. With Skype you can video and voice call your family and friends, anytime and anyplace!
The Weather Channel
This app will give you the weather forecast for just about any place you are in the world!
Looking for a new physician or need access to treatment information…this app can help, along with other medical needs and questions you may have.
These are just a few of the useful apps available on smartphones and tablets. Many corporations, such as banks and insurance companies, have their own apps that allow their customers to perform transactions and make changes to accounts.
Most apps are free, including all the ones mentioned in this article, but some do have a fee to download. Take a few minutes to search the App Store or Google Play on your devices to find apps that would be of assistance to you.
**The Hickman is not affiliated with nor endorses the apps mentioned in this article.
Printed in the Daily Local News on Monday, November 13, 2017