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Person Kissing a Senior Citizen on the Cheek

In-Person Dementia Caregiver Support Group

September 12, 2023

Are you a caregiver looking for support from people who really understand? The In-Person Dementia Caregiver Support Group offers a safe place and support system for caregivers, family, and friends of persons with dementia. Connect with certified facilitators and other caregivers who truly understand what you are going through.

Join us Tuesday, September 12, 2023, from 5:00 pm to 5:45 pm.
Presented by the Alzheimer’s Association (Delaware Valley). Hosted by The Hickman at the West Chester Friends Meeting 425 N. High Street, West Chester, PA 19380

This group meets on the second Tuesday of every month.
Visit to learn more.

[9:27 AM] Tim